Checkolite 17061-63 Delta Victorian 1-Light Vanity, Stainless Steel,Maximum Char

$ 45.99 $ 50,589.00

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Click to enlarge ?ÕÌ_ Product Description Checkolite 17061-63 Delta Victorian 1-Light Vanity, Stainless Steel Features: 1-Light Vanity Beautiful Stainless Steel W: 5-Inch H: 10-3/4-Inch Ext: 8-Inch 1 By 60-Watt Medium Base Type A Bulb Manufacturer:?ÕÌ_CheckoliteBrand:?ÕÌ_CheckoliteModel Num:?ÕÌ_17061-63MSRP:?ÕÌ_35.0 size ?ÕÌ_ Shipping Payment Warranty & Returns Feedback We process and ship orders every business day, Monday through Friday. We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or National holidays. Some orders may take 1-3 business days to process and ship.?ÕÌ_US Postal shipments are dropped off at the Post Office the next business morning. Free shipping offer applies only to orders of $25 or more shipped within the Continental United States. (may be applied to combined orders) Continental United States: We use FedEx Ground, UPS Ground and USPS Priority Mail for all of our domestic shipping. FedEx Ground and UPS Ground are used for most orders (5-14 business days). 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